Event Details

State Superintendent Tom Horne will join us to discuss Khan Academy tutoring, as well as his 15 initiatives for improving educational outcomes in Arizona. Participants are encouraged to ask any questions they have about these topics. Please review the event "Documents" section for more information!


  • Tom Horne (State Superintendent at Arizona Department of Education)

    Tom Horne

    State Superintendent at Arizona Department of Education


    Tom Horne served 24 years in the state's third-largest school district board, 10 years as president.

    He served in the legislature and was chairman of the academic accountability committee. He was State Superintendent of Schools from 2003 to 2011, and then was elected State Attorney General. While Attorney General, he argued in every court: Superior Court, Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, US Supreme Court.

    He has served in every branch of government:
    Executive: State Superintendent of Schools and Attorney General.
    Legislative: Member of the legislature. On July 11, 2000, the Arizona Republic wrote that Tom Horne, “raises the level of debate at the state Legislature by several notches all by himself.”
    Judicial: judge pro tem in both the Superior Court and the Court of Appeals.
    Local: School Board Member and President.

    He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard College and with honors from Harvard Law School. He taught legal writing at ASU Law School. When not in public service, he was in the private practice of law, with a focus on trial work.

    "In addition to being an avid supporter of music and the arts, he is also a classical pianist who has soloed with local orchestras, such as the Yuma Orchestra and the Scottsdale Philharmonic."

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AZEDition Khanmigo Infographicdownload
15 Initiatives Horne 2023-2027download
TILC Conference Flyerdownload


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